The greatest tragedy in life is that majority of people have accepted to be less than they were born to be and are thus accomplishing far less than their true capabilities
David K EgyirHi! Welcome to my world!
I’m EGYIR. Well, David Kweku Egyir | Usually rendered…

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Purpose Compass | More books
My key leadership roles include the following…
1. Principal Consultant & CEO of Seers
2. Founder & Global Lead Advocate of Zing4Life!
3. Lay Preacher of The Methodist Church Ghana
4. Husband, and a father of two
How may I be of help?
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See many more testimonials under details of each of the areas of products and services further below
Media presence
I have written more than 100 articles (mainly SeersApp blogs, and in the Daily Graphic newspaper and HR Focus magazine) on how to live a highly productive and a truly fulfilling life. You may click here for the genesis… how it all began, and especially… what triggered it in the first place; very interesting!
I continue to educate on critical life issues; especially the secretly harmful ones that do not get enough media attention. And for that, I use varied platforms, especially in interviews and features. Below are some of such platforms I’ve featured on in the past…

Currently, the main platform I mostly use is SeersApp along with other coaching platforms.
I love my cheerleaders!
I have noticed that wherever I have given any of my pet presentations, people look at me with wonder. One young man who got very close to me after sitting in a number of my presentations, later on had the courage to ask me: “Dave, how did you get to become this way?” A husband and wife approached me after a presentation in Europe and offered to be representatives and take steps to get their government to introduce the body of knowledge I share into the country’s educational curriculum, seeing the transformational impact that could make in the lives of the people in their country (one which is supposedly already developed). I did a quick presentation after a PTA meeting, and the first reaction was: “It looks like you have brought us answers to all the issues we discussed at this PTA meeting; is it mystical? Is it spiritual?” One of my bank managers I gave a complementary copy of my book to, upon reading the book, quizzed: “Dave, why don’t you stop everything else and go into full-time writing?” And many other similarly very touching spontaneous voluntary feedback.
It makes a lot of sense to go into full-time writing, looking at the tremendous impact my writing and other presentations make. Well, maybe someday. For now, I combine writing with Designing and building buildings, and more! Because I believe in having multiple streams of income, though I favour passive streams of income more than active streams of income.
How may I be of help?
Do contact me; I'm able, willing, and ready to help! My confidence is not in just my rich personal experience, wide exposure and enviable expertise, but also in my amazing team at Seers. And being committed, meticulous and honest. And also in the other partners and associates we collaborate with depending on the scope of work. In the following areas...
Design & Build
Buildings | Graphics | Websites | Etc. You may click here to see details.
Business Support
Planning | Financing | Marketing | Etc. You may click here to see details.
Life Coaching
Career Guidance | Leadership | Relationship | Etc. You may click here to see details.